Chhatisa Nijog Nayaka The Food provider to Devotees & Jagannatha Mahaprabhus . 1 min read 🙂👇

Chhatisa Nijog Nayaka The Food provider to Devotees & Jagannatha Mahaprabhus . 1 min read 🙂👇

Pattajoshi and Talicha Mahapatra

Chhatisa Nijog Nayaka Pattajoshi:-

Chhatisa Nijog Nayak Pattajoshi Mahapatra Patojoshi Mohapatra is the Chhatisa Nijoga Nayak (Chief of the traditional 36 categories of sevakas). He supervises the performance of daily rituals and festivals and offers his opinion in this regard to the administrative authority. He reports any case of negligence or breach of duty by any sevak to the superior administrative authority. He also recommends admission of hereditary sevak into the seva through the ritual of Sadhi- bandha (tying a cloth on the forehead signifying grant of permission for performing seva). As the Bhoga-Parichha, he supervises the daily bhoga offerings and as Bhandara- Nayaka he oversees the operations involving the Ratna-bhandara

He had vast power and functions in the past but many have disappeared at present.He is of the puspalak class and had the key of the Bhandara till 1930. He is to execute all orders of the temple authorities and to see that all the sevakas do their duty properly. Performs Sari Bandha ceremony.

Talicha Mahapatra

Talichha Mahapatra He seals the doors at night after Pahuda (retiring to bed) and controls and checks the purity of the kitchen.

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