Mahapravu Shree Jagannath is a highly humanized deity. The gap between men and Divine has been bridged in Mahapravu Shree Jagannath cult. Like daily happenings and day to-day activities of a common man He brushes His teeth, takes bath, changes His clothes, wears varieties of colourful dresses, adorns in definite time intervals, enjoys 56 varieties of food items, goes to bed and takes rest after light night meals. Different modus operandi of human life have emerged within His cult to give it a unique statute. In such context the daily rituals of Mahapravu Shree Jagannath temple are discussed chronologically.
Dwarfita and Mangal Arat— The first ritual of the day is ceremonial opening of the doors, scheduled time for opening of the doors is 5 AM. or before that. On some specific occasions, such as – Aswina Ekadasi (next day after Dasahara) to Kartik Purnima and from Dhanu Sankranti to Makar Sankranti Dwarfita time is from 2 AM to 3 AM in the morning. For this simple opening of the doors, presence of 5 Sevayats is necessary; they are Bhitarchu Mahapatra; Pratihari; Muduli; Akhanda Mekap and Palia Mekap. After scrutiny of the seal on the padlock given in previous night; Muduli opens the Jay-Vijay dwar. Thereafter Kalahat or Chamu Dwar is opened. Pratihari Daily Rituals of Mahapravu Shree Jagannath Temple Padmanabha Mohapatra utters the words Manima and Manima while the doors are opened. After opening of all the doors the inner part of the temple is purified in sacred water. The most important ritual in the early morning is Mangal Arati. Morning Aratrikam of Mahapravu Shree Jagannath is done by Bhitarchu Mahapatra. In front of Bada Thakura Balabhadra and Maa Subhadra it is done by 2 Puspalakas. lnitially Camphor Aratrikam is made in specially designed brass and bronze-stands and it is known as Karpur Alati. A lamp with twenty one weeks is lit thereafter, followed by Pistak Alati. The ashes after Arati are distributed as Prasad. 12 Sevayats are involved for Aratrikam; they are Bhitarachu Mahapatra; Pratihari; Muduli; Akhanda Mekap; Palia Mekap; Khat-seja Mekap; Palia Suarbadu; Khuntia; Garabadu; Balitabala; Puspalak and one temple civilian employee Mangala Arati can be seen by pilgrims; just in front of the Bhitar Kath Argali.
The Eternal Mystery Of Mahaprabhu Shree Jagannath by Srikanta…..
ହେ ମଣିମା

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