Mahapravu & Jaguleiepatna

Mahapravu & Jaguleiepatna ..
Mahapravu Shree Jagannath temple, popularly known as “Srimandir” of “Srikshetra” is the nerve centre of Odian culture and Mahapravu Shree Jagannath is the real representative of the social and cultural tradition of the Oriya race. Hence the culture of Odisha is better known around the world as the Mahapravu Shree Jagannath Culture. From cradle to grave Mahapravu shree Jagannath is intensely and deeply involved with the life of the Odias. The holy name of Mahapravu Shree Jagannath is engraved on the palm-leaf “Jataka” of each and every new-born Odia baby. The holy “Mahaprasad” is being used at the time of fixing the marriage of the Odia youth and lastly the holy “Nirmalya” is needed at the death bed of the Odias. Hence Mahapravu Shree Jagannath is inseparable from Odias and Odisha. Mahapravu Shree Jagannath is not only the presiding deity of the Odias but he is closely related to them.
He can not be compared with any Gods, Goddesses or Prophets of the world, because he does not wait to be worshiped on his “Ratna Singhasan” by his followers or devotees at the darkest hour of the Odias. With the rise and fall of the Odia race Mahapravu Shree Jagannath has mingled his divine self with the common man and there is ample evidence of Mahapravu Shree Jagannath’s involvement in safeguarding the prestige and dignity of Odisha. When the Gajapati King was insulted by the King Mahapravu Shree Jagannath of Jaguleipatna Braja Paikaray of Kanchi, Mahapravu Shree Jagannath joined in the military expedition to Kanchi as a horse riding Paik alongwith his elder brother Bada Thakura Balabhadra and the king of Kanchi met a crushing defeat. His arrogance was mingled with the honour of the Gajapati King Purusottam Dev and the dignity of the Odia race was restored.
The famous poet Jayadev while writing the Gita Govinda once failed to complete a difficult stanza and prayed to Mahapravu Shree Jagannath for help. The Mahapravu took pen in his divine hand and soon completed the unfinished stanza of the poem. Mahapravu Shree Jagannath is a lover of music and he once left the Srimandir for a brinjal field being attracted by the lucid tune of a young Odia lady who was singing Gita Govinda. Further the Mahapravu can create human hair on the head of his Daru Bigraha in order to protect his Sebayat from the red eyes of the Gajapati King.
The Mahapravu can also direct the Gajapati in his dream to beg apology from Poet Dinakrushna and to honour the Poet. In order to crush the arrogance and self-ego of his Sebayats the Mahapravu preferred to ride the Sand chariot of his beloved devotee Bhakta Balaram leaving his own chariot Nandighosha. Mahapravu Shree Jagannath makes no distinction between any caste, creed or religion. He loves to listen the song of Yaban Salbeg and receives the coconut being sent by his devotee Dasia Bauri. While at Srimandir Mahapravu Shree Jagannath lives the life of an aristocrat, takes delicious food, wears fine dresses and enjoys the dance of Mahari at night before his sleep. But during any debacle of the Odia race and at historical junctures of Odisha the Mahapravu adjusts his divine self, lives incognito at Hental jungle and Nalabana of Chilka and is satisfied with the bhog of black berry being offered to him leaving aside his aristocracy. Mahapravu Shree Jagannath belongs to both Aryans and Non-aryans. Though Srimandir, Puri is his permanent abode, Mahapravu Shree Jagannath manifests his divine self in forests, in villages and in different Mathas in the nook and corners of the state of Odisha.
Once upon a time, Khurda, the land of Khandayats and Paiks was the capital of the Gajapati Kings. Mahapravu Shree Jagannath had joined in the military expedition to Kanchi as a horse riding Paik and hence the Mahapravu desired to manifest his divine self at Jaguleipatna, Khurda having full limbs and accordingly Mahapravu Shree Jagannath, Bada Thakura Balabhadra and Maa Subhadra have manifested themselves having full hands and legs. As per the version of the local people Mahapravu Shree Jagannath has manifested himself here as the “Kalki Abtar”. But as per the local legend a holy man namely Mahant Raghubar Das was an ardent devotee of the Mahapravu . He established a Matha at village Jaguleipatna when the village was encircled with forest and thick bushes. Once in his dream Mahant Raghubar Das was ordered by Mahapravu Shree Jagannath to establish the Daru Bigraha with full limbs in his Matha and to offer Seva Puja. It was also ordered by the Mahapravu to collect the holy daru from the jungle of “Beruan village” near Khurda. As per the Mahapravu’s wish Mahanta Raghubar Das collected the holy daru and established the three Bigrahas at Jaguleipatna Matha and started the Ratha Yatra in the year 1918 with the co-operation of the local people. After some years a strange thing occurred. The house in which the Bigrahas were offered Seva Puja was completely burnt but the fire had not touched the Daru Bigrahas. After the death of Mahanta Raghubar Das his chief disciple Digambar Baba continued the Seva Puja of the Mahapravu and the Ratha Yatra was also observed as usual. But after the death of Digambar Baba the Jaguleipatna Matha was completely forgotten from the minds of the people.
In the year 1980 due to the sincere effort of the local people a concrete building was constructed for the daru bigrahas and one “Garuda Stamba” was installed at Jaguleipatna Matha and Ratha Yatra was restored with much enthusiasm. In the present days the number of tourists, research scholars and visitors have increased to Jaguleipatna Matha to have a Darshan of the full limbed Mahapravu Shree Jagannath, Bada thakura Balabhadra and Maa Subhadra.
The Eternal Mystery Of Mahaprabhu Shree Jagannath by Srikanta…..
ହେ ମଣିମା

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