Mahapravu of the Universe

Time and time again Devotees have doubts if Mahapravu eating when thwy offer him something. And Mahapravu proves that he actually eats. But in all cases it was shown by the Mahapravu when devotee has this special item of devotion. We don’t need anything else. We don’t need to make special opulent offerings. We just need emotion who will appear from our hearth and will be transmitted to the Deity through our food. Emotion can travel throw food.
Mahapravu accepts offerings in His deity form. The deity is not simply a representation of Mahapravu but it is Mahapravu Himself.
Mahapravu “Mahapravu of the Universe,” shows special mercy toward surrendered souls, and countless devotees throughout history have appealed to Him to accept their offerings.
Dasia Bauri came from a low-caste family and lived near Puri, in a village called Baligram.
Dasia was poor and uneducated. Forbidden entrance to the temple because of his caste, he showed unflinching faith in the Mahapravu.
Once, Dasia gave a coconut to a Brahmana who was on his way to the temple. He requested the Brahmana to offer the coconut to Mahapravu Shree Jagannath on his behalf, but to bring it back if the Mahapravu rejected it.
The Brahmana proudly laughed at Dasia’s childish foolishness, but said he would offer the coconut.
Once he was inside the temple, the Brahmana held the coconut before Jagannatha and repeated Dasia’s message.
“Dasia Bauri has sent this coconut for You. Please accept it; otherwise I will take it back.”
Suddenly, Jagannatha extended His arm from the altar and took the coconut directly out of the Brahmana’s hand, to the Brahmana’s great surprise.
Dasia Bauri’s sincere devotion was so great that the Mahapravu personally accepted his indirect offering.
Since the Mahapravu is situated in the heart of every living entity in His Paramatma feature, He could see Dasia’s strong desire to please Him, and so He accepted the simple offering.
On another occasion, Dasia Bauri went to Puri carrying a large basket of mangoes for the Mahapravu.
When he reached the Lion’s Gate entrance to the temple, a group of Brahmanas started fighting over who would take the mangoes inside the temple to offer to the Mahapravu.
Dasia Bauri told them that he did not need them to offer the mangoes for him.
The brahmanas were bewildered, as they were proud of their position, and did not think the low-caste devotee eligible to offer anything to the Mahapravu.
Dasia’s faith was unshaken, however, and he simply stood back a short distance and focused his gaze on the Nilachakra, the large wheel on top of the temple.
In that way he saw the form of the Lord, because the name, form, and paraphernalia of the Mahapravu are nondifferent from Him.
Nilachakra is no different from Mahapravu Shree Jagannath.
When Dasia held up two mangoes and showed them to the Nilachakra, they disappeared.
Dasia repeatedly offered mangoes in this way until his basket was empty. A crowd gathered around Dasia and watched the mangoes disappear, as if by magic.
When Dasia told the brahmanas that Mahapravu had eaten the mangoes, they rushed into the temple and found mango skins and seeds lying all around the altar.
Mango juice was dripping down Mahapravu’s smiling face.
The brahmanas then understood that Dasia Bauri was a great devotee of the Mahapravu, and their pride vanished. Dasia Bauri’s offerings showed the world that the Mahapravu looks only for faith and love, not high birth, education, or the opulence of the offering.
The Eternal Mystery Of Mahaprabhu Shree Jagannath by Srikanta…..
ହେ ମଣିମା

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