To the south-western direction of the Mahapravu Jagannath temple. about half a mile away, there is a small temple dedicated to Dev Dev Mahadev. This temple is known as Pravu Jameswar Temple. The temple is located towards the end of the street in Gaudabada Sahi and facing towards the east. It is one of the important Shiva temple of Puri. Devotees who come to visit Mahapravu Shree Jagannath temple, also visit the Yamesvara temple. The presiding deity is a Shivalinga which is situated 6.40 meters below the present ground level. Jameswar Temple is associated with several festival of Mahapravu Shree Jagannath temple. Pravu Jamesvara Mahadeva participates in the Chandana yatra festival of Mahapravu Shree Jagannath. On the day of Radhastami the deity Pravu Sudarsana from the Mahapravu Shree Jagannath temple visits Pravu Yamesvara. This temple is also connected with Sagar Bije, Ashram Bije, Sital Sasthi, Champak Dwadasi, Sravana Purnima and Aswina Purnima of Mahapravu Shree Jagannath Temple. The festival of Yama Dwitiya (2nd day bright fortnight of the month of Kartika) is also observed in this temple with great devotion.
It is believed that once Yama (the God of death) tried to foil the meditation of Dev Dev Mahadev. Dev Dev Mahadev became angry upon such activity by Yama and defeated him in a war. In local language ‘Yama’ is known as ‘Jama’. After his victory over Jama (Yama), Dev Dev Mahadev is known as Jamewswar (Yamesvara). It is Pravu Jamesvara who is protecting the holy city of Puri from the influence of Yama. Jameswar Temple is one of the Pancha pandava temple of Puri. As per the legend, Pancha Pandavas (Yudhisthira, Bhima, Arjuna, Nakula and Sahadeva) at the time of disguise for one year, visited this holy place and stayed one night in Puri. Here they worshipped Bhagaban Vishnu for the safety of their journey. As a symbol of their visit, five Shiva temples were built at Puri to memorise their stay at this holy place. These famous five Shiva temples are Pravu Lokanatha.
Jameswara, Kapalamochan, Markandeswar and Nilakatheswara. together they are known as Pancha Pandavas or the five brothers. Yamesvara is locally called as Yudhistira, the eldest brother among the Pancha Pandavas.
The Eternal Mystery Of Mahaprabhu Shree Jagannath by Srikanta…..
ହେ ମଣିମା

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